Epilepsy Life Insurance
At Pre Existing Conditions we are pleased to offer this guide to Epilepsy Life Insurance. We will look at giving answers to the following frequently asked questions. We hope you find our Life Insurance guide useful.
- Can I obtain life insurance with epilepsy?
- What questions will I be asked about my epilepsy?
- Do all Life Insurance companies charge the same for epilepsy?
- How do I find the best deal for epilepsy life insurance?
- What is Epilepsy?
If you just need to be put in touch with an Epilepsy Life Insurance Expert and receive a quote then simply click the button below to make contact with a Specialist. We would always however recommend that you read all this article together with our guide to Life Insurance for pre existing conditions first.
Epilepsy Life Insurance Expert*
Can I obtain life insurance with epilepsy?
A large number of people living with Epilepsy are able to take out life insurance policies at standard rates without having to pay a ‘loading’ fee.
Petit seizure suffers are often able to obtain standard rate life insurance without loading premiums, however, grand mal sufferers may find themselves charged with an additional premium.
Of course, all of this depends on the severity and frequency of the episodes in question. Standard rates are often applied if the petit seizure applicant has not suffered from an episode in over six months. In the case of grand mal seizures, minor loading fees will often be applied if the applicant has suffered fewer than 12 attacks per year. Over 12 attacks will usually result in a higher loading fee.
The above is only a very general guide and it is important that you speak to an Expert in Epilepsy life insurance to make sure you receive the best deal as there can be dramatic differences between one insurance company and another.
What questions will I be asked about my epilepsy?
There are a number of questions that a life insurance provider will likely ask you about yourself and your epilepsy condition. They do so in order to calculate what kind of risks there are involved with the insurance. These questions can include, but are not limited to:
- What type of epilepsy do you suffer from?
- When did you last have a seizure?
- When medication do you currently take?
- When were you diagnosed with epilepsy?
- How often do you have seizures?
- Have you ever been hospitalised due to your epilepsy?
- What underlying causes are there with regards to your epilepsy?
- Do you have any other related or non-related conditions?
Do all life insurance companies charge the same for epilepsy?
In a nutshell ‘No’.
Each insurance provider will likely offer a different price when it comes to epilepsy life insurance. These prices will vary depending on the applicant in question. The insurers will take into account things such as the type of epilepsy, severity of seizures, and frequency of seizures when calculating a price. Each insurer will have different views as to the risk involved and will therefore charge a price they feel is fair (and profitable!). The trick is knowing which insurer is right for you.
Luckily for you, our entire website is designed specifically to aid you in your quest to find the perfect epilepsy insurance for you. If an insurance company believes that your epilepsy may result in an early death, they will likely increase their prices. The trick is to source a company that offers the cheapest price once any loading fees have been added. However, you should always be honest about the extent of your condition, especially seeing as they will contact your GP to check anyway. If your condition improves, be sure to review your cover as soon as possible.
Epilepsy Life Insurance Expert*
How do I find the best deal for epilepsy life insurance?
By using the tools on this site, you will be able to locate specialist brokers who have expertise in sourcing epilepsy life insurance. We have now developed a handy step-by-step guide in order to point you in the right direction.
You can read the full step-by-step guide HERE
What is epilepsy?
Epilepsy is a neurological condition that brings on seizures after the body experiences nerve cell disruptions. These seizures can vary greatly from person to person, as well as from one seizure to the next. Symptoms of these episodes can include blackouts, loss of consciousness, convulsions, and other abnormal behaviour. The severity and duration of the seizures can vary, as can the time between each attack. There are two main types of epilepsy, namely petit mal and grand mal. The difference between the two lies mainly in the severity of the attacks. The petit mal seizure is now more commonly known as an absence seizure and is the least common of the two. This type of episode can occur suddenly but rarely results in the sufferer falling unconscious. On the other hand, grand mal seizures usually result in a loss of consciousness, as well as featuring violent convulsions. Not only this, but it is also the most common of the two types of episode. As of today, one in every 100 people suffers from epilepsy, with 87 new sufferers diagnosed each day. However, over 50% of these are free of any seizures. Epilepsy can affect any person, no matter their age, and five in every 100 people will have at least one seizure in their life.
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