Epilepsy Guides & Tips Illnesses Life Insurance

Why Is Life Insurance More Expensive For Epilepsy?

Living with epilepsy brings unique challenges and impacts various aspects of individuals’ lives. Alongside managing the condition, it’s crucial to prioritise financial protection. In this blog post, we’ll explore why life insurance for epilepsy often comes at a higher cost and highlight the importance of securing adequate cover.


We’ll be covering the following:


Understanding Epilepsy and Life Insurance


What is Epilepsy?

Epilepsy, a neurological disorder impacting millions of individuals worldwide, encompasses a wide range of manifestations, making it a complex condition to comprehend. At its core, epilepsy is characterised by recurring seizures, which arise from abnormal electrical activity within the brain, resulting in temporary disruptions to normal brain function. While epilepsy can develop at any stage of life, it often emerges during childhood or adolescence, further adding to its intricacy.


To gain a comprehensive understanding of epilepsy, it is crucial to explore the various types of seizures that individuals may experience. These include focal seizures, generalised seizures, and seizures with an unknown onset. Each seizure type presents unique characteristics and implications, demanding a nuanced understanding for effective recognition and management of the condition.


The Challenges Faced by Life Insurance Providers

Life insurance providers assess risk when determining premiums and cover eligibility. For individuals with epilepsy, insurers must evaluate the potential risks associated with the condition.


For example, life insurance providers evaluate the frequency and severity of seizures to assess the risk level of applicants. Those with well-controlled epilepsy may have a higher chance of securing favourable rates compared to those with frequent outbreaks.


Insurers may also inquire about lifestyle factors such as alcohol consumption, recreational drug use, or engaging in activities that could increase the risk of seizures. Such factors may affect the cover terms and premiums offered.


Epilepsy Life Insurance Expert*


Impact of Seizure Frequency and Severity


Seizure Frequency

Insurance companies evaluate the risks associated with epilepsy by considering the frequency of seizures experienced by the individual. The more frequent the seizures, the higher the perceived risk for the insurer.


Individuals who experience frequent seizures may face increased premiums due to the potential impact of seizures on their daily activities and overall quality of life. Therefore, it is crucial to document seizure frequency when applying for life insurance accurately.


Seizure Severity

In addition to frequency, the severity of seizures also plays a role in determining life insurance rates. Seizures that are more severe or have a higher risk of complications can result in higher premiums. This is because insurers consider the potential impact of severe seizures on an individual’s ability to perform daily tasks and engage in certain occupations.


By understanding how insurers assess seizure severity, individuals with epilepsy can better prepare for their life insurance applications and potentially explore options for cover tailored to their specific needs.


Medication Usage and Its Effect

The Role of Antiepileptic Medications –

Antiepileptic medications play a crucial role in managing epilepsy and reducing the frequency of seizures. However, from an insurance standpoint, these medications can introduce complexities into the underwriting process. Insurance companies carefully assess the type and dosage of medications individuals with epilepsy are taking as part of their risk evaluation.


Its Effect on Insurance Premiums –

The usage of antiepileptic medications can potentially impact life insurance premiums. Insurance companies analyse various factors to determine risk, and medication usage is one of them. While each case is unique, certain medications may be associated with a higher risk profile, leading to increased premiums.


It’s important to note that the impact on premiums may vary depending on the specific medication, dosage, and individual circumstances.


Importance of Disclosing Medication Usage –

Full and honest disclosure of medication usage is vital when applying for life insurance for epilepsy. Insurance companies rely on accurate information to make informed decisions and provide appropriate cover.


Failing to disclose medication usage can result in significant consequences, including policy denial or the potential for cover gaps. Transparently sharing details about your medication regimen ensures a fair assessment and increases the likelihood of obtaining suitable cover.


Impact on Policy Cover –

Medication usage can also influence the extent of policy cover for individuals with epilepsy. Depending on the medication and associated risk factors, some policies may include specific exclusions or limitations related to seizures or epilepsy-related incidents.


By disclosing medication usage upfront, you enable insurance providers to consider all relevant factors and tailor cover to your specific needs.


Medical History and Related Conditions

One crucial aspect that insurance companies consider when assessing risk is an individual’s medical history. For people with epilepsy, this includes any past hospitalisations or surgeries related to the condition. These events provide insurers with insights into the severity and management of epilepsy.


As a result, individuals with a history of frequent hospitalisations or invasive procedures may encounter higher life insurance premiums. Insurance providers perceive a higher level of risk associated with these cases, leading to an increase in policy costs.


Comorbid Conditions and their Influence on Premiums –

Epilepsy is often accompanied by comorbid conditions, such as mental health disorders or cognitive impairments. These additional health factors can impact an individual’s life insurance rates. Insurers evaluate the overall health profile and consider the presence of these conditions when assessing risk. While epilepsy itself poses certain risks, comorbid conditions may further increase the complexity of managing the policy. Consequently, premiums may be higher to account for the added risk factors associated with epilepsy and its related conditions.


Tips for Obtaining Affordable Life Insurance for Epilepsy


Seek the Expertise of a Specialist Broker –

When it comes to finding affordable life insurance for epilepsy, working with a specialist broker is crucial. These brokers have in-depth knowledge and experience in dealing with epilepsy cases and can guide you through the intricacies of the insurance process. They have access to a network of insurance providers who understand epilepsy-related risks better and offer tailored cover options. Click here to learn more about why you should use a specialist broker for epilepsy.


Maintain a Seizure Diary –

Keeping a detailed record of your seizures can be beneficial when applying for life insurance. A seizure diary provides objective evidence of the frequency, duration, and severity of your seizures. Insurance companies may view individuals who maintain a seizure diary as proactive and responsible, potentially leading to more favourable cover terms.


Follow Treatment Plans –

Adhering to your prescribed treatment plan is crucial for managing epilepsy and demonstrating to insurance providers that you are proactive about your health. Consistently taking prescribed medications, attending medical appointments, and following your neurologist’s recommendations can positively impact your insurability and potentially lead to more affordable life insurance options.


Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle –

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can have a positive impact on your overall well-being and insurability. Engaging in regular exercise, following a balanced diet, and avoiding habits that may exacerbate seizures (such as excessive alcohol consumption or sleep deprivation) can demonstrate your commitment to managing your epilepsy and potentially result in more affordable life insurance premiums.


Consider Term Life Insurance –

Term life insurance policies can be a cost-effective option for individuals with epilepsy. These policies provide cover for a specific period (e.g., 10, 20, or 30 years) and often offer lower premiums compared to permanent life insurance options. You can learn more about term life insurance here.


Epilepsy Life Insurance Expert*